Interview With An Artist – Grace Paleg

Each Thursday at 11:45am we profile an Australian artist – be they a sculptor, painter, weaver – someone working in the creative sphere. 

For the last two weeks we’ve profiled artists featured in the Out of the Ashes exhibition. A fundraiser supporting artists deeply affected by the summer bushfires. Our final artist for the series is Bateman’s Bay resident Grace Paleg. 

Grace was three weeks off becoming a nurse when she confessed to her father she wanted to go to art school. Her family were all nurses and she thought she was expected to follow in their footsteps. To her father’s credit, he told her to get herself to art school. That was over 50 years ago. 

Grace spoke with 2ser’s Willy Russo about her creative life.  You can check out her work at her and at the Out Of The Ashes Exhibition.



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