Interview With An Artist – Sarah Bishop

Each Thursday at 11:45 am at we profile an Australian artist – be they a painter, sculptor, drawer, weaver – someone working in the creative visual arts.

Sarah Bishop gets on with life. Whether it’s working on her rural property in the Hunter Valley of New South Wales, raising her two children as they move into their teenage years, or drawing into the night with a scotch in hand and love for the madness that is hyper-realistic drawing. Sarah also paints, with her studio muse, the cutest pony you have ever seen, and a world of inspiration right out side her door.
Head to her Instagram page @sarahbishopartist and you’ll see the breadth of her creative expertise. 
Sarah joined me from her property in the Hunter Valley for this week’s Interview With An Artist.
To hear the full interview, head to the Interview With An Artist podcast.

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