Keeping Fashion Sustainable at the Marrickville Kilo Sale

Are you in need of a complete style overhaul? Maybe you have a hole in your heart that only a pair of well-worn Levi’s 501s can fill? Or, is it, that you are simply looking for a sustainable alternative to the overwhelming increase in fast fashion?
If any of these situations are affecting your conscience, then head on down to Marrickville this Saturday for the Sydney Kilo Sale, a second-hand and vintage clothing market running from 8am – 3pm. With a unique pay-by-weight purchase system and hundreds of metres worth of clothing racks, you’ll be sure to be sifting through kilos worth of vintage gear if you attend.
Sean Hatzi spoke to Ruth, the event organiser for Sydney Kilo Sale, to see what you should expect to find this weekend, as well as the importance of sustainable fashion.
You can buy tickets and find more details through the Kilo Sale Instagram page.