Know thy neighbor – Street by Street

Are you a good neighbour? Do you sometimes wish real life was a bit more like Ramsey St? To belong somewhere, be part of a community; a neighborhood – that is something that for many of us rank high according to surveys.

It may be stopping for a friendly chat when bumping into the older man across the street, helping a young mum with a pram up the stairs, or borrowing some sugar for the sweet nan across the road.

In some neighborhoods this is everyday life, in others we peak out behind the curtain and wonder how to take that first step towards contact.

The national project Street by Street aim to recapture that neighbourly feeling that feels so alien to some in the 21st century.

This morning Mitch gave Melbourne based project manager for Street by Street Irene Opper a ring to find out why one should put time and effort in to get to know thy neighbors.

For more info about Street by Street and how to get started to create a community click here!

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