Mel Brown talks about her heritage, identity and her new memoir

Despite an early life marred by moments of sheer despair and the agony of domestic violence, Mel Brown found the strength to survive.

As a young mother, she unlocked the secrets of her ancestry, and learned in real time the challenges that come with identifying as Aboriginal in Australia.

Mel’s recently published memoir Shades of Me follows the author’s journey as she redefines who she is and how she sees her place in the world. Mel visited Danny Chifley on 2SER Breakfast for a chat about the writing process, the difference between identity and heritage, and how spirituality continues to guide her.

Mel Brown’s memoir Shades of Me from Gelding Street Press, is available now. Catch Mel while she’s in town promoting the book – further information available from Mel’s site, Spirit Dreaming.

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