New initiative pairs up professors and pollies to encourage science-backed policy-making

Two eminent researchers from Curtin University are amongst 26 academics that have been chosen as “STEM ambassadors” to the federal government, in a new program that pairs professors up with federal politicians. 

The aim of the initiative is to bridge the gap between science and politics, helping our most influential policy-makers interpret and access the latest research and evidence. 

Internationally renowned radio astronomer Professor Melanie Johnston-Hollitt has been selected for the program and spoke with RTRFM’s Fiona Bartholomaeus about her research and how it factors into her new role as an advisor for the government.

See RTRFM’s full story here

Image: Image courtesy Wikipedia

Produced By: Fiona Bartholomaeus

Featured In Story: Internationally renowned radio astronomer Professor Melanie Johnston-Hollitt

First aired on The Wire, Monday 24 July 2023

Monday 24th of July, 2023
