New Music with Andrew Khedoori

He is back for a new musical week, our guru Andrew Khedoori.

This week discover or re-discover a classic of an Ethiopian jazz legend: Mulatu. The one that we call the father of Ethio-jazz brings us back in 1972 with a re-issue of his album: Mulatu of Ethiopia. A fresh vibe, confi, nostalgic and funk.

It’s her eighth album but we just discovered her, the swedish artist Molly Nilsson. Listen to Imagination, her last release. Nilsson engages you with a wavy beach vibe, in her politically conscious album.

He is young, he is awesome, he is funny and he comes from the United States… this is Sam Amidon! He is known for interpreting of folk songs and for the first time he takes the pen and wrote his own songs for his new album: The Following Mountain.


Picture from Sam Amidon’s website.

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