New Music on 2SER 01/02/21

Image by: Chris Almeida
Welcome to the new music review where we connect you with some of the best new music spinning on Breakfast, The Daily and Drive programs.
Dannika – Gems (FEATURE ALBUM)
Arlo Parks – Collapsed in Sunbeams
The Besnard Lakes – The Besnard Lakes Are the Last of the Great Thunderstorm Warnings
Goat Girl – On All Fours
Lia Ices – Family Album
Psychedelic Porn Crumpets – SHYGA! The Sunset Mound
Hello Satellites – No Delivery
Michael Beach – De Facto Blues
Mindy Meng Wang 王萌 & Tim Shiel – Sleeping Tiger On The Bund 蓄势待发
Olivia Kaplan – Wrong
Painted Shrines – Gone
serpentwithfeet – Fellowship
In 2020, Arlo Parks emerged as the next big thing in British music. A sound somewhere between neo-soul and bedroom pop, she was nominated for the BBC’s Sound of Music poll on the back on breakthrough singles ‘Cola’ and ‘Black Dog’. That kind of hype might daunt most young musicians, but Parks comfortably lives up to it on her debut Collapsed in Sunbeams. Parks’ strength is her lyrics: with a Billie Eilish whisper and an Alex Turner eye for detail, Parks tells vivid tales of relationships in pandemic London over pared-back R&B productions. A confident debut from an exciting new artist.
How to describe Psychedelic Porn Crumpets? Well, the band’s name itself does a surprisingly decent job in of itself. Playing in the same space as Pond and King Gizzard & the Wizard Lizard, the Perth quartet’s latest is a psychedelic rock adventure that plays with genre, time signatures, and guitar effect pedals, all the while keeping their tongues firmly in cheek with songs about dinosaurs, Alexander Fleming, and Centrelink queues. The album follows a stoner logic that could have made the whole exercise indulgent in lesser hands, but the musicianship of this group makes for a exuberant listen.