News of the Day: Vegemite and keeping the poo out of pools

2SER News is the place to come for all the important and serious news stories…

Geoff has 3 news pieces to share with us today – one political story, a yucky story and a stupid story.

The Coalition now holds a clear lead over Labor in the Bennelong by-election, but a week is a long time in politics – and for this campaign in particular, 4 days can feel like an age.

PSA: Heatwaves, dodgy prawns and public pools do not mix. An absolutely serious (and pretty gross) warning from NSW Health – people have been cautioned to stay out of public swimming pools for a full two weeks after suffering diarrhea. You’d think it was common sense, but an increase in cases of people with gastro from swimming in public pools has sparked the warning.

In something you might expect to see in Not News with Cheyne Anderson, Vegemite icy poles are apparently now a thing – can you believe this is an actual story being published by national news broadcasters?

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