Omar Musa explains life ‘Since Ali Died’

When those close to us pass away, we’re told that grieving is necessary. We’re told that the death of our loved ones will spark a transformation and light a fire within. However, the passing of a public figure, is usually met with polite condolences, but isn’t expected to change the trajectory of our lives.
For Omar Musa, this wasn’t the case.
When US Boxer, Muhammad Ali, died in 2016, Omar Musa found himself in a Redfern pub with tears in his eyes. Not only did his passing inspire an album at the end of 2017, it made Omar take to the stage for a one-man spoken word, poetry and hip-hop performance.
As part of the Sydney Festival, Omar appears in the theatrical production, “Since Ali Died,” at the Griffin Theatre and Riverside Theatre this month.
Omar joins Mick at 2SER to discuss moments that shattered him, the battle wounds that threatened to destroy him, and the powerful moments that steered him forward.