Patrice Capogreco’s Memoir, “Fk With Cancer”

October is breast cancer awareness month!  It’s a reminder for all of us to have conversation around self examination and breast cancer screenings with our friends and families. 

Cancer survivor, advocate and author of her memoir “Fk With Cancer”, Patrice Capogreco joined Annie and Chris from the Monday Daily to chat more about her book, which explores life beyond the ‘diagnosis’, the importance of raising breast cancer awareness and her advocacy for better accessibility for all women, especially those in incarceration to access breast cancer screening services.

You can catch Patrice live this Saturday, 19th of October from 5-6:30pm at Better Read Than Dead (bookstore) in Newtown. She will be signing books and sharing her experiences with fellow children’s book author and cancer advocate Danna Diaz, on the butterfly effect of a cancer diagnosis on individuals and their families. 

Tickets to the event are free, but RSVP is essential via, here!

Follow Patrice and stay updated with her work via, here.

For more information on breast cancer symptoms and self examination, visit Know your Lemons, via here.


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