Pauline Hanson fear mongering on vaccination changes: Please Explain?

Last week Pauline Hanson sparked a whole lot of controversy around the new federal vaccination laws. The ‘no jab no pay’ regime is designed to incentivise childhood vaccination, with parents eligible for Child Care Rebates and Family Tax Benefit A only if they have vaccinated their kids in compliance with the National Immunisation Program. As part of the massive changes, conscientious objection on non- medical grounds will no longer be a valid exemption from immunisation. This has been endorsed by the medical community, said to be vital for ensuring Australia remains free from preventable disease. However, Pauline Hanson’s labelled the policy a Nanny State ‘ dictatorship’- imploring parents to ‘ do their research on the safety of vaccinations’ . Resurrecting discredited myths on the link between vaccination and autism, she has subsequently apologised for her statements, admitting to fear mongering with false facts. But according to the medical community her damage has already been done.

To get his views on the new vaccination agenda and Pauline Hanson’s response, we spoke to Dr Tony Bartone, Vice President of the Australian Medical Association.

Produced by Madison Thorne 

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