Please help us out during 2SER Supporter Drive 2017
Call 9514 9500 during Supporter Drive to become a 2SER financial supporter.
2SER is a grassroots, community-funded Sydney station and we couldn’t deliver to you the stories, ideas and music that we do each and every day, seven days a week, year-round without the support of listeners just like you.
This year, 2SER Supporter Drive runs from the 6th of October to the 20th and is our one major fundraising drive for the year. It’s the one time of year where we ask you to reach into your pockets and give generously, whatever amount you can spare, to become a financial supporter of the station.
There’s no prizes, no gimmicks, but we need your support to keep 2SER 107.3 on air in Sydney. If you’d like to help then head to and give what you can.
Thank you.