Potential budget cuts to Australian disability housing

Good news and difficult news. One of Australia’s largest special disability accommodation housing providers says a proposed crackdown on NDIS rorting is welcomed, but any funding cuts to disability accommodation would be disastrous. 

SDA Smart Homes welcomes news of a proposed task force cracking down on systemic issues within the National Disability Insurance Scheme of alleged rorting, including overcharging or creating false participants. 

But they warn that funding cuts in the Federal Budget to disability accommodation in the current housing market would be a disaster, especially in states such as Victoria suffering from shortages.

The NDIS forecasts that demand for Special Disability Accommodation (SDA) will increase by over 60% over the next seven years. 

The Wire’s Toni Pankaluic spoke with Emma Hocking CEO of SDA Smart Homes to find out more…

Image: David McBee | courtesy of Pexels

Produced By: Toni Pankaluic

Featured In Story: Emma Hocking CEO of SDA Smart Homes

First aired on The Wire, Monday 8 May 2023

Monday 8th of May, 2023

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