Powerful new book by domestic abuse survivors

A powerful book describing how women have taken back their power after coercive control and domestic abuse was launched in Brisbane.

The book, ‘Coerced to Courageous‘, shares how the first ‘red flags’ of coercive control are so subtle you barely notice them.

The book is the brain child of local charity Broken to Brilliant, which aims to create a community of connection, support and mentorship amongst Australian domestic violence survivors.

If you need domestic violence support, please call 1800RESPECT on 1800 737 732.

Produced By: Netta Finney

Featured In Story: Anna – First Nations woman and one of the authors of ‘Coerced to Courageous’, and Andrea – Director of Broken to Brilliant

First aired on The Wire, Friday 24 March 2023

Friday 24th of March, 2023

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