New biosecurity zone protects Queensland bees

A new biosecurity zone has been established in Queensland to further protect the beekeeping industry from the threat of varroa mite.

Varraoa mites are external parasites that feed on honey bees and have been detected in the Port of Newcastle, New South Wales. Now, anyone wishing to bring in bees, hives or any bee products from states and territories where varroa mite has been detected, will need a permit. 

The implementation of this zone comes months after consultations between government and Queensland bee-keepers on how to manage the situation.

The Wire’s Aryana Mohmood asked State Secretary of the Queensland Beekeepers Association, Jo Martin, the impacts of this new implementation.


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Image: Image courtesy Anete Lusina | Pexels

Produced By: Aryana Mohmood

Featured In Story: Jo Martin, State Secretary of the Queensland Beekeepers Association

First aired on The Wire, Monday 13 February

Monday 13th of February, 2023

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