RENEWABL ENERGY UPDATE: Manufacturing Solar Panel Industry in Australia

Last month Chris Bowen, Federal Minister for Climate Change and Energy, announced a formal study into the viability of Australia becoming a solar panel manufacturing giant. The $1.2 million dollar Silicon to Solar study will look at Australia’s manufacturing potential, with the goal of addressing supply chain concentrations and to provide the infrastructure Australia will need as solar energy becomes ever more important to our electricity mix. 

Dr. Matt Wright and Jack Gembitsky spoke about the significance of this study and why its important for Australia to invest in it’s own future manufacturing industry.


To learn more about the announcement, check out this article from Renew Economy:

And to read the actual Silicon to Solar study, click this link:

The Renewable Energy Update is a regular segment on 2SER, where Dr Matt Wright checks in on the developments happening in the space of renewable energy. Listen to past episodes here.
