Renewable Energy Update: Carbon Emissions Inequality

As COP28 winds down for the year, a new report from Oxfam and the Stockholm Environment Institute has been released, looking at the great carbon divide. The report that finds the wealthiest 10% of economic earners in the world are responsible for half of all carbon emissions, and the poorest 50% account for only 8% of global emissions.

The political and economic implications of this report paint a tough picture for minimizing carbon emissions. What does this mean for international efforts to avert the climate crisis and what can be done to redress this imbalance of C02 emissions? Take a listen to Dr Wright’s analysis of the report to find out more.

If you’d like to know more about the discussed report, check out the write up in The Conversation:

The Renewable Energy Update is a regular weekly segment on 2SER, where Dr Matt Wright check in on the developments happening in the space of renewable energy.
Listen to past episodes here.
