NATO Peacekeepers and Serbs Clash

The Serb minority of Kosovo is clashing with Local police and NATO peacekeepers from Hungary, Italy, and The US.
The fighting has been isolated to three town halls where the Serb protestors are trying to take control. NATO and the police have attempted to disperse the Serbs using stun grenades, tear gas and pepper spray.

The Serbs are demanding that Kosovo removes its ethnically Albanian mayors from the north and allow local government to be financed by Belgrade.

As of this time, the Albanian mayors have been escorted away from their town and have been summoned by the US and the United Nations to a meeting in Pristina in hopes of finding a less violent solution to the protests.

Image: Image: Shutterstock: Zarko Prusac

Produced By: Dominic Giles

Featured In Story: Dr Marco Duranti, Senior Lecturer in Modern European and International History at The University of Sydney

First aired on The Wire, Tuesday 30 May 2023

Tuesday 30th of May, 2023
