Super Science – TEDx/Macquarie University

Science! Sometimes, it’s a wonderful tool used to ease some of life’s greatest problems and solve some of the universe’s biggest mysteries. Other times it’s the cause of life’s greatest dangers and a threat to humanity, something which fiction is more than happy to dramatize.

This week though, science is the focus of Talk of the Town. This episode features four talks, each discussing different advancements in science – covering both the benefits and the potential pitfalls that they may bring.

These talks were originally presented at the TEDx Macquarie University event on the 21st of September 2019, and are presented here in collaboration with Macquarie University.

Featured in this episode:

Will AI mean we no longer need doctors? – Enrico Coiera:
The advent of AI has many worried about their role in the workforce; if AI can do so much, is there any job they can’t replace? In his talk, Professor Enrico Coiera discusses the way that the upcoming robot revolution could affect doctors – and whether they’ll have a job when all is said and done.

Nanotechnology is not simply about making things smaller – Noushin Nasiri:
For many, the word nanotechnology rings to mind images of modern technology on a minuscule scale. But the reality of nanotechnology is far more complicated than this. In her talk, Noushin Nasiri explains what nanotechnology really is – and what possibilities it could unlock.

Turning, breaking, or vanishing point? – Jeffrey Braithwaite:
The misuse of science is at the core of many a post-apocalyptic or science fiction story. But how likely are these scenarios? In this talk, Jeffrey Braithwaite explains the possible dangers present in current scientific trends – and whether we can pull back from the possible brink they may represent.

How much would you be willing to pay for shade? – Leigh Staas:
In the face of climate change, cities are getting hotter and hotter, and as a result, more and more people are looking for solutions that will cool them down. In her talk, Leigh Staas presents a simple but surprising idea – pointing out a flaw in city design while providing the possible solution.

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