Sydney Comedy Festival – Michael Shafar on his new show 110%

2020 was a pretty bad year for everyone. But, Michael Shafar probably had it worse than most, having to face death for the second time when he had a testicular cancer relapse, which forced him to undergo high-dose chemotherapy during Melbourne’s second lock down. He says ‘worse than most’ because some people had to home school their kids, which is objectively worse than dealing with cancer.

Now in remission and having defeated the Big C for the second time, Shafar is ready to get back on stage in his hometown with his darkest, most confronting and funniest show yet. Tackling 2020’s global calamities, as well as touching on personal stories of his own, Shafar brings to the stage his new show 110%, performing at the Enmore Theatre on the 29th-30th April.

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