Harm reduction saves lives: A reminder as Schoolies kicks off across A...
Schoolies celebrations have kicked off this week around Australia, with more than 11,000 school leavers arriving…
Schoolies celebrations have kicked off this week around Australia, with more than 11,000 school leavers arriving…
Research from FARE, the Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education, and The University of Queensland shows…
A lot of us have had that one night where we had too much to drink…
Australians living in rural and regional areas are at higher risk of alcohol and drug addiction…
An initiative in South Australia is exploring the role midwives can play in promoting public health…
August is Alateen awareness month across Australia. Alateen is the adolescent recovery program offered by Al-Anon,…
Drinking is all the rage these days, especially among teenagers, or is it? An article from…
In January of this year Prime Minter Anthony Albanese visited Alice Springs in hopes of addressing…
Alcohol restrictions have been proposed for parts of the Northern Territory amid a surge in crime…
Newly released data from the ABS shows a national trend upwards in alcohol-induced deaths. The number…
We’ve all heard the saying ‘it’s 5 o’clock somewhere’, when we are wanting a glass of…
A law restricting the possession and supply of alcohol in the Northern Territory will be eased…