Tayla Harris AFLW

The photo of AFLW player Tayla Harris kicking a goal from the 40-metre line is now infamous.

Captioned as “photo of the year”, it really is a phenomenal image capturing the skill and athleticism of one of our country’s star league players. Unfortunately for Tayla, and women around the nation, not everyone responded well to the image. The photo of Tayla received an abundance of attention from online trolls who left derogatory and sexually abusive messages in the comments.

As if the situation couldn’t worsen – 7AFL decided to take down the image in an attempt to keep Tayla out of harm, not realizing how defeated this dismissive move would make Tayla and her AFLW fans feel.

Today we have Kasey Symons, PhD candidate in sport and gender at Victoria University with us to unpack this story.

Hear more about the development of women’s sport in Australia in this episode of Think: Business Futures, released March 2019.

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