The Byadbo Wilderness – paddling through wild rivers and untouched alpine beauty

Roughly 6 hours drive south of Sydney is a place time forgot. For millennia it was inhabited by the indigenous Monaro people – living in unison with the amazingly rugged and simultaneously beautiful landscapes that form the Byadbo Wilderness.
There’s no vehicle access. No walking trails. No exhaust fumes, shampoo ads or grey workstations.
In fact there’s only 6 humans at any one time. Probably in 6 inflatable kayaks.
Where are we I hear you ask? The Byadbo Wilderness, an area of untouched alpine wilderness, tucked away about 6 hours south of Sydney.
Here to enlighten us a little further about the magic that is The Byadbo Wilderness is Wiradjuri Man, conservationist and alpine river guide, Richard Swain.
For more info, please see and