The Ever Inspiring Jeanette Cronin

Jeanette Cronin joins Regina to give insight into the craft of acting and how she came to start writing for theatre.

A graduate of NIDA , Jeanette is an actor, writer and dramaturg. She was the recipient of the inaugural Mike Walsh Fellowship. Jeanette’s first play ‘Tell Me Again’ premiered at  

Old 505 Theatre in December 2014 and in July 2019 received a workshop and rehearsed reading at the  Arcola Theatre in London. Her one-woman show ‘Queen Bette’ co-devised with director Peter Mountford has been produced multiple times for Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras  (Old 505), Hunter Valley Wine Festival and at Gasworks Arts Park  for Midsumma Festival . Her most recent works include ‘I Hate You My Mother’ (Old Fitz), and ‘I Love You Now’ (Darlinghurst Theatre Company).

She has recently been nominated for the Silver Gull Play Award and her most recent work will be part of the “Locked Down, Locked In” Festival starting late September 2020.




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