‘The Weather Diaries’ Documentary

What’s it like raising kids during the current environmental crisis, and being a kid at this time? How do we go about being hopeful for the next generations future amongst serious environmental threats? A documentary finalist from the Sydney film festival examines this very question.

The documentary ‘The Weather Diaries’ is about what it’s like to be a parent in a time of climate fear amongst the threats of climate change and mass extinction. Filmmaker Kathy Drayton records her daughter for 6 years starting from when her daughter Imogen is 15 years old. The documentary follows Imogen’s transition from a 15 year old violinist to a successful electronic musician as well as examining the current environmental crisis.

Marlene Even spoke with director Kathy Drayton on Breakfast.


The screening of this documentary is at Roseville Cinema at 6pm on Wednesday 5th May. More details on booking here.

Photo of Imogen Jones (Lupa J), The Weather Diaries. (credit: Kathy Drayton, The Weather Diaries) 
