Things that go POP! National History week with Dr Michelle Arrow

Tamson Pietsch and Anna Clark chat with Associate Professor Michelle Arrow about her highly anticipated Annual History Lecture, ‘The Popular is Political’, that is part of the History Week Festival run by the History Council of NSW from the 2-10 September 2017.

On this week’s show we ponder how pop culture make sense of social change in Australia, how our everyday life is shaped by POP! And what histories can be told and who tells them. We also manage to throw in some casual references to skippy the bush kangaroo, Beyonce and 80’s mixed tapes.

If this episode of GLAMcity leaves you wanting to hear more you can see Michelle  deliver her talk Tuesday 5 September, 6pm at Sydney Living Museums’ The Mint.  Book your tickets here

To get in touch with the GLAMcity team – email us

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