Tiny House Movement in Australia

Have you dreamed of owning your own home? Well, a tiny home might be the option for you.
The tiny house movement has increased in popularity over the years, but who’s it for and what is the appeal? This lifestyle is not only an architectural trend but also a social movement encouraging the notion of ‘living simply’. Darren Hughes, the founder of Tiny Houses Australia, has claimed these homes are no bigger than 24 square metres – the equivalent of 2 shipping containers stacked on top of each other. These homes also have the options of being permanent fixtures or mobile, attached as a trailer. Given the constant rise of housing prices and greater desire to be environmentally conscious, this movement has challenged the way people think about property ownership and traditional housing.
2SER spoke with Dr Heather Shearer, a Research Fellow with the Cities Research Institute at Griffith University, having done extensive research on the tiny house movement in Australia.