National Reconciliation Week : Tokenist, Ally or Accomplice? Dr Summer Finlay on 2SER Breakfast

This week is National Reconciliation Week! The theme of this year is “Now More Than Ever”; a reminder to us all that, no matter what, the fight for justice, and the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People will, and must continue.

Among the many events happening for National Reconciliation Week, on Monday was a seminar entitled “Tokenist, Ally or Accomplice?”, exploring how non-indigenous people can stand and act with First Nations People, meaningfully engaging with First Nations issues and support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander sovereignty and self-determination.

Dr Summer Finlay, keynote speaker for the seminar and Senior Lecturer in Aboriginal Health at the School of Health and Society, at the University of Wollongong, joined Danny Chifley on 2SER Breakfast to discuss the issues raised via seminar and the fight for the rights of First Nations people.

To find out more about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders’ fight for sovereignty check out:

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