Tonebender 2018

Since it’s emergence from the UK in the 1980s, ‘Shoegaze’ has been the go to strand of music for dreams as well as the quiet achievers.
Coming in many shapes and forms the ethereal majesty of it can range from a chilled ambient drone to a squealing textual assault.
Needless to say, it’s frequency has been broadcasted around the world and it’s power has been harnessed by several bands in Australia over the past decade and even longer, with many number of groups painting the streets with their own lush brush.
Joshua McBeath the Creator and curator of Tonebender 2018 puts forth his thoughts on the shoegaze genre, how it’s bubbling in the Sydney community and a few words about the massive three day event that you can take part in.
A celebration of the waves that are emerging in Sydney and spreading across the Southern hemisphere.
If you’d like to know more and place your order for ticktes, check out the
T o n e b e n d e r 2018 event page that has all the finer details of the mini festival.
Friday March 9th // 7pm – midnight // $5 otd FUZZ FACE‘s first birthday @ The Hideaway Bar
8 – A Broken Sail
9 – Fabels
10 – drowning fleets
11 – Skullsquadron
Saturday March 10th // 5pm – late // $20 otd – $15 presale
TONEBENDER mainday @ The Red Rattler Theatre
6 – Aqrn
7 – Holy Forrest
9 – Sketch Jets
10 – Key Out
11 – Lapse
Sunday March 11th // 4pm – 10pm // $8 otd
TONEBENDER BBQ @ Petersham Bowling Club
6 – Tremolo Please
7 – The Doe and the Scapegoat
8 – Syntax Error