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Trump Abolishes US-Aid, Abolishes US Global Credibility

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The decision by the incoming Trump administration to freeze all activities of USAID for 90 days and then to eliminate most of its programs is going to have catastrophic impact on food security, health and education, with the international donor and aid community reeling from the chainsaw approach take by the new government.

USAID formed in 1961 during the John F Kennedy administration has a storied history of supporting people in time of famine and natural disaster, and has involved itself in improving the governance of many developing countries.

Stephen Hill asked Melissa Conley Tyler of the Asia Institute what will be the consequences if $95 billion dollars are stripped from aid programs that function across the world.

Produced By: Stephen Hill

Featured In Story: Melissa Conley Tyler, Honorary Fellow in the Asia Institute of The University of Melbourne and Program Lead of the Asia-Pacific Development, Diplomacy & Defense Dialogue (AP4D)

First aired on The Wire, Wednesday 12 February 2025

Wednesday 12th of February, 2025

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