Wayne’s 4 X 2: Challengers, Nora From Queens and MORE!

Do you want something to watch but aren’t sure where to start? 2SER’s entertainment wizard, Wayne Massingham is back and he’s got you covered with his reviews of the latest and greatest in film and music and television. 

It’s Wayne’s 4 x 2! 4 Reviews, 2 minutes each. Here’s what he had for us this week: 


Film: Challengers

Director Luca Guadagnino (Call Me by Your Name) serves up another hit with this romantic drama film about 3 tennis players and their interwoven relationship. Zendaya plays Tashi, a rising tennis athlete who meets Patrick and Art at the US Open. The three find themselves mixed up in a romantic triangle whilst also fighting to be the best in their sport. As he film jumps around time  we see Tashi and Art married as a powerful tennis couple, while Patrick continues his tennis career in their shadow. Following their story over the years, Challengers explores ambition, friendship, sport and the desire to win.

Challengers is in cinemas now. Watch the trailer here.


Television: Transatlantic

Based on the 2019 novel The Flight Portfolio by Julie Orringer, this series follows the lives and efforts of members of the Emergency Rescue Committee, a real world organisation that saved
anti-Nazi and Jewish refuges in 1940s Spain, Portugal and Marseilles. Featuring a cast of famous characters from the 20th century like Mary Jane Gold, Varian Fry, Andre Breton, Max Ernst and others, Transatlantic is a solid and colourful historical thriller, where truth is more fantastic than fiction.

Transatlantic is out now on Netflix. Watch the trailer here.


Television: Nora From Queens

Awkwafina is Nora from Queens, a comedic fictionalised version of herself, who navigates the complexities of 20’s-something adulthood in New York City. Nora’s family, particularly her grandmother and father, help Nora and her cousin discover their passions and assist them through the trials and tribulations of growing up.

Nora From Queens is out now on Paramount+. Watch the trailer here.


Album: Final Summer, Cloud Nothings

Final Summer is the 9th album from the Ohio post-hardcore group Cloud Nothings. The production values on this record are stellar and emphasize the upbeat and poppy elements in this veteran band’s latest offering. With great guitar grit and a more palatable musical serving that their early work, Final Summer is a perfect place to jump and experience one of Ohio’s most consistent and polished acts.

Final Summer is out now Bandcamp and Spotify.


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