We got fur real with Sydney Dogs and Cats Home… Sydney only charity pound!

Wednesday Drive producer Mon has a dog. The dogs name is Poppy. Today marked Poppy’s third birthday so I (mon…surprise, surprise) thought that it would be fitting to shed some light on a super special animal shelter!

Sean Hatzi interviewed Melissa Penn from Sydney Dogs and Cats Home in Strathfield this week on Drive! We found out that even exotic strays are no sweat for the lovely staff and volunteers at SDCH.

To find out more about their journey or to donate, volunteer, foster or (if you’re ready to take the next step towards pure happiness and companionship) adopt click here! They also have merch!!!!!!! Honestly I am so here for this and can’t believe it took my dog turning three to find out that they’re literally down the road from my house

Oh… you wanted to know what kind of exotic animal was taken into the shelter?? Well my sweet sweet child….you will find the answer in the playback bar! Just hit play and all (some) your questions on Sydneys only charity pound will be answered!

Poppy for reference^

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