Weekend Guide 5 May 2018

1. Star Wars Ultimate Fan Weekend
When: 5 and 6 May 9am – 6pm
Where: Powerhouse Museum – 500 Harris St, Ultimo
Cost: Adult $15 ; Concession $8
In celebration of the annual ‘May the 4th Be With You’ fan day, MAAS and The Walt Disney Company Australia invite all Star Wars fans to join us for the Ultimate Fan Weekend at the Powerhouse Museum!
Jump in the cockpit of a 1:1 scale X-wing Resistance fighter and explore the the Star Wars universe throughout the Museum with Jedi Training, character appearances, costume competitions, augmented reality experiences, coding workshops, games, talks and panels with Star Wars fans and commentators, screenings of both fan-made and official Star Wars content, selfies with life-size character statues (including Chewbacca!)
When: 6 May 10:30am-4:30pm
Where: Museum of Contemporary Art, 140 George Street The Rocks
Cost: Free
There’s a lot of talk about print being a dying medium, but the annual MCA Zine Fair held at – surprise, surprise – the MCA proves otherwise.
It’s an event held annually by the museum and it’s back this year bigger and better than before. Over 150 zine creators and artists are scheduled to showcase and share their works, and it’s a great chance to explore the very diverse zine making process in a little depth.
When: 5 May 9am-6pm
Where: Kings Comics – 310 Pitt St, Sydney
Cost: FREE
The biggest holiday in the geek calendar, a time of cosplay and fellowship, a time of free comics and treats. Free comics, cosplay competition, awesome guests! Tom Taylor (X-Men Red artist), Nicola Scott (DC Comic artist, exclusive cover #1000 Action Comics), Dean Rankine (The Simpson artist)