This weekend was the centenary of the end of World War 1, and Anthony is here to make sure you’re informed about it.

First off, Donald Trump showed he hasn’t lost his absurd touch by avoiding visiting an American war memorial in Paris, blaming bad weather for the decision. Other political and military leaders still went out in the rain to remember those who died whilst Trump stayed in his hotel tweeting accusations of mismanagement causing the recent bushfires in California, despite his own de-funding of the groups responsible for this management.

Meanwhile in Australian politics, Scott Morrison was home in Australia, rather than attending the centenary of armistice in France. Is Morrison’s lack of ‘politician’ activity a ploy to make him seem more like an ‘ordinary bloke’? David Elliot also has elaborated his position on using Parliamentary Privilege to oust Luke Foley at the expense of an ABC Journalist, though his elaboration is thin and Anthony thinks this speaks for Elliot’s poor character.

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