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Weekend Warrior with Anthony Dockrill

Anthony Dockrill is back to run you through what you might have missed over the weekend.

Anthony was sure to show up on time, despite daylight savings having switched, leaving pets and Queenslanders confused as the rest of the country complained over social media.
Meanwhile in the US, Brett Kavanaugh has been sworn in to the Supreme Court, after a week-long FBI investigation that neglected to interview the two main people involved in the case turned up nothing of use.

Back home in Australia, Scott Morrison described the Sydney Opera House as Sydney’s “largest billboard” after the state government approved the projection of horse racing promotions on the sails of the national icon. Was this inevitable after growing corporate support of the Opera House? Could other, more suitable brands take to the sails in future? Aside from the projections themselves, Anthony wants to make sure that the issue of bullying isn’t forgotten after Alan Jones attacked Opera House Chief Executive Louise Herron over her objections to the promotion.

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