Weekly Wrap – 5th of April 2019

At the tail end of Federal Budget week, you might have missed a lot under the smokescreen of budgets and taxes; luckily we have Geoff Field to set you straight.

The NRMA has called for Australia to meet the targets set by European nations, to end the sale of fossil-fueled vehicles by 2040. Black Panther won film of the year at the NAACP awards. A rally on the steps of parliament house has called for changes to the National Redress Scheme. Brexit has stalled yet again, surprising nobody. The Coral Reef at Lore Howe Island has begun to show signs of bleaching. Many international figures have responded with disgust to horrific new laws in Brunei, including death penalties for homosexuality.

All that, a bit of budget news and more in the Weekly Wrap!

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