World Bicycle Relief: The Voice of Reason

What springs to mind when thinking of basic amenities? Food, water, shelter, safety? What about travel? What about the ability to get from point A to point B safely and on time? Unsurprisingly, once you get out of the metro hubs, Sub Saharan Africa is fairly sparse in the public transport department. For many, the ability to travel faster opens up a world of opportunity, of education and advancement.

World Bicycle Relief is a charity focused on the distribution of transport to disadvantaged and underdeveloped communities, dispatching Buffalo Bicycles to children who live long distances from their school and communities. Reason Wafawarova was one these children, waking up at four thirty a.m. to run barefoot for an eighteen kilometer commute ready for an eight a.m start.

Now Sydney based, Reason’s an advocate for the Australian branch of World Bicycle Relief and joined Tess to discuss the power of peddling. 

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Interested in Reason’s Story? Then click here

Image by Oz African TV

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