Yours, Mine & Femme! Ep. 1 Menstrual leave – the red hot workplace issue

Australia is emerging as a global leader on menstrual and reproductive health leave, but the policy is hotly contested. Recently, the Greens have called on the federal government to allocate $25 million a year to make sanitary products available in all Australian public high schools, yet the option of menstrual leave still eludes most workplaces. 

A research team at the University of Sydney conducted a workshop on the topic recently, finding that old workplace attitudes need to change. However, the concept has come under some fire, with feminist critics of the policy stating it could potentially reinforce harmful stereotypes about menstruation. Drive Presenter spoke to University of Sydney, Research Associate, Sydney Colussi, about this red-hot issue!


‘Yours, Mine & Femme’ is a segment in which we put a spotlight on issues affecting women of all ages, cultures, sexualities and abilities. To catch up on past YMF episodes or to make sure you don’t miss a story, follow us on Instagram and Twitter @YMF_2SER

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