YOURS, MINE & FEMME! EP. 12 – Disordered Eating in the South Asian Community

*Trigger Warning* This content discusses eating disorders and relating trauma. If you or anyone you know is struggling with this please call 13 11 14 or visit the Butterfly Foundation website for confidential counselling, information and help.
When we see the portrayal of eating disorders in modern media, we’re usually met with the token white female experience. Movies like To the Bone & Men Women and Children, whilst they give us an honest and harrowing depiction of eating disorders, we miss out on seeing what eating disorders look like in different cultural settings. That’s why when the new season of the Netflix series ‘Never Have I Ever’ featured a young Tamil Indian- American character, Aneesa who struggles with an eating disorder throughout the show, social media blew up. Statistically, South Asian women are most at risk for developing an eating disorder but before Aneesa, we haven’t seen this represented in modern media. Drive presenter and YMF host Beth Tracey was joined by psychologist Edwina Vejayaratnam from the organisation South Asian Therapists to talk about why this representation is so important.
‘Yours, Mine & Femme’ is a segment in which we put a spotlight on issues affecting women of all ages, cultures, sexualities and abilities. To catch up on past YMF episodes or to make sure you don’t miss a story, follow us on Instagram and Twitter @YMF_2SER