Yours, Mine & Femme! Ep. 20 – Set the Standard: Can Morrison meet it?

In the wake of Brittany Higgins’ shocking allegations about being sexually assaulted in a ministers’ office by a colleague, Prime Minister Scott Morrison initiated multiple inquiries. Most significantly, was the independent review into parliamentary workplaces, ‘Set the Standard’ by Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins. Thursday Drive EP Bella Michie spoke to Dr Sonia Palmieri, Gender Policy Fellow at Australian National University about the report’s findings and whether this report is falling on deaf ears.
‘Yours, Mine & Femme’ is a segment in which we put a spotlight on issues affecting women of all ages, cultures, sexualities and abilities. To catch up on past YMF episodes or to make sure you don’t miss a story, follow us on Instagram and Twitter @YMF_2SER