Yours, Mine & Femme! EP. 6 – Is higher confidence the key to closing the gender gap?

“Be more confident, assertive, ambitious…Just Be more like a man.”

 This is an example of some well meaning advice many women receive to help propel them up the career ladder. But is fixing this confidence deficit really the key to breaking through that glass ceiling? Our Drive Executive Producer Bella Michie spoke to Dr. Leonora Risse from RMIT University, who recently investigated in her report ‘Leaning in: Is higher confidence the key to women’s career advancement?’ 

Take a Listen and find out if confidence really is key!

‘Yours, Mine & Femme’ is a segment in which we put a spotlight on issues affecting women of all ages, cultures, sexualities and abilities. To catch up on past YMF episodes or to make sure you don’t miss a story, follow us on Instagram and Twitter @YMF_2SER
