Amplify: Story, Resistance, Radio

Amplify is a living, breathing example of how stories occupy urban space and generate solidarity.

Part live ‘Pirate Radio’ performance and part sound exhibition about the importance of amplification and listening in urban politics, Amplify responds to long-standing calls to protect music and creative spaces in our cities, to create more diverse media landscapes and to champion First Nations music and journalism.

From October 5 to November 18, Amplify invites people to share stories about sound and activism in the city through live radio broadcasts from the gallery and visual conversations covering key moments of amplification of the past, present and futures. There’ll be live radio broadcasts, public talks, a visual sound exhibition and so much more.

One of the curators of this fine event, Dallas Rogers, joined 2SER Breakfast to big up this fantastic event.


Thursday 5th of October, 2023

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