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Carbon storage – how does Australia fair?

In 2016, 15% of Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions came from the agricultural industry – with more than two-thirds of that in the form of methane from cows and sheep.

This may not seem like a whole lot, but when you realise 80% of Australia’s surface is rangelands, open country used for grazing or hunting animals, you can begin to see why this might be a problem.

A collaboration between Green Collar and the Centre for Compassionate Conservation at the University of Technology Sydney is looking at the durability of current carbon storage projects – means to capture and store carbon, rather then let it float upwards into the atmosphere – in Australia’s rangelands.


  • Dr Rachael Nolan – Post-Doctoral Research Associate in the Centre for Compassionate Conservation at the University of Technology Sydney.
  • Dr Jenny Sinclair – Head of Research and project Services at Green Collar.


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