Debra Adelaide’s Zebra

Debra Adelaide features on today’s show discussing her latest short story collection Zebra.


Zebra is a collection of fourteen short stories. The stories are written in a range of voices and explore a variety of themes. Each story takes the reader into a moment of personal journey and insight into what is important in life. Witness the hilarity of an intricately catered Xmas lunch, ambitiously trying to meet everyone’s dietary needs. Travel to the horror of a future Australia where the Northern Territory Intervention is taken to a hideous conclusion.

Zebra is also the titular story in the collection. It’s a novella exploring the rule of a very different Prime Minister to the ones we have known. Overseeing a period of calm and prosperity she’s unsure of herself privately but undoubtedly a public success; the stories focuses on her creation of a unique public garden for The Lodge while attempting to manage the relationships around her. Oh, and she’s also given a Zebra as a gift…

Debra Adelaide is an Associate Professor at the University of Technology Sydney where she teaches creative writing. She’s the author of novels such as The Hotel Albatross and The Household Guide to Dying. As well as non-fiction and a short story collection; A Letter to George Clooney. 

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