Decapitation by NISIOISN – Part One

We discuss chapters 1-3 of ‘Decapitation’ by NISIOISIN. One of Japan’s bestselling authors, NISIOISIN’s debut sees his bizarre, monologue-heavy absurdism in full force. Our protagonist and his companion, Kunagisa, are among the latest batches of geniuses invited to the island mansion of Iria Akagami. When an earthquake ends in the death of the famous painter Kanami Ibuki, can the smartest people on the planet solve the case, or will the author’s self-insert beat them all to the punch. We probably don’t even need to tell you.
We’re also joined by Catherine Du Peloux Menagé, the Artistic Director of BAD: Sydney Crime Writers’ Festival to talk about the 2023 iteration, and the panel we’ll be hosting at it!
Check out Part Two and Part Three here!