Razors Edge :: 7:00pm 12th Jan 2023

Image by Sea Shepherd
On tonight’s show:
Shark nets – a curtain of false security? – OK, it’s summer. When you take that dip do you ever think of ALL marine life, plus the “sharks” of course! Because ninety percent entangled in those shark nets under include – turtles, sea horses, whales, dolphins, rays and even seals And there are non-lethal alternatives to mitigate shark and human interactions, but why isn’t NSW using it? Razors Edge went investigating out at Bondi to find out more.
Interviewee: Threatened and Endangered Species Campaigner from Sea Shepherd, Lauren Sandeman.
Reporter: Helene Netland Halvorsen
Cannabis Policy -NSW Greens – The Cannabis in Australia December 2022 Report says policing cannabis use is costing close to $2 billion dollars a year. And for over 13 years now, ninety-percent of these charges relate to personal use. So like US and Canada, is it time to decriminalise cannabis use in Australia? Their experience led to protecting consumers from criminal suppliers. It also meant law enforcers can focus on real crimes. Razors Edge followed The Greens cannabis use policy launched in 2022, in a forum titled “A Joint Effort.”
Interviewee: Cate Faehrman, Member of the NSW Legislative Council and David Shoebridge, NSW Greens Senator
Reporter: Eleanor Godley
Razors Edge 2022 Highlights – Dr Olga Oleinikova, Ukraine Democracy Initiative, UTS Sydney see https://2ser.com/episodes/razors-edge-700pm-22nd-sep-2022/