Get Away with Dre

Getting in the car is a nice way to travel and really take in the landscape. You can stop anytime, and anywhere you want. It’s freedom when you travel. It’s also a great way to travel with family – out on the open road together, in the comfort of your car.

Here are a few tips and tidbits for your road trip:


Map out your drive.

It’s important to know where you’re going. Research some places of interest along the way to make the most of your drive and to break up the drive for some rest and exploration. Be prepared for detours and road closures, so start your trip early and allow for ample traveling time.  Listen to the audio for a tricky time in Italy! In NSW check Live Traffic in advance.


Always keep an eye on the petrol gauge and the health of your car

Know if there are petrol stations on each leg of your drive. When in doubt, refuel at the half-tank mark so you don’t have to worry about finding a servo at reserve. Especially if you’re overseas – there are apps online that map out the servos wherever you are in the world.

Hired cars are usually looked after and serviced before going out. If you’re using your own car, make sure it’s healthy and ready for a long drive. Check your tyres – tread and pressure, and check if you have a functioning spare. When was the last time you changed the battery? Check the oil and coolant levels, and it’s always good to have a jumper cable in the car just in case. You can easily Youtube how to use it. It’s always good to be prepared for the worst.


Always have water readily available 

Have bottles of water in the car. It’s a good idea to have a large drinking water can in the boot just in case. I’ve been stranded on the side of the road in remote areas many times and I learnt very quickly to have water in the car.


If driving overseas, do a bit of research on how they drive.

Before you leave, check if you need a driving permit. Do they drive on the left or right, do they use the lane markers? Drivers in southeast Asia don’t use the lane markings at all and that’s ok – go with it.

How do they use their horn? We did a road trip in Bali and the Philippines and they use their horn to say watch out and thank you.

In Italy they don’t use their indicators which is good to understand before driving there. Their merge lanes onto the motorways are as short as your child’s attention span, so you need to get on and get out Vin Diesel style. No fluffing around. 

Find out what their speed cameras look like and keep an eye on when they come up.


Make sure you’re insurance is up to date

If you’re in a hire car make sure you’ve chosen the right insurance for you. If it’s your own car, double check what your insurance covers. Does it include roadside assistance? A lot don’t. If you don’t have roadside assistance, you might want to consider applying for it before your trip so you don’t get a hefty during holiday.  


Just remember you’re responsible for everyone in the car so stay safe on the roads – especially during school holidays with more cars about.

(Driving is so dangerous. A lot of people have a fear of flying, but they don’t take driving seriously. According to statistics, on a 5-year average (from 2018 – 2022) there have been 231 fatalities on board flights. Driving casualties in NSW alone in 2022 alone was 290. That’s more on the roads in just 1 year)

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