How prepared are we for another pandemic?

An International group of multi-disciplinary experts has released a report today, assessing the origins and early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, and making recommendations for future pandemics.

The report was produced by the Independent Task Force on COVID-19 and other pandemics, the key recommendations include a focus on ‘smart surveillance’ of potentially dangerous pathogens developing in target hot spots, and an emphasis on preventing zoonotic transmissions, which the report claims have become a bigger risk as factors like climate change, land use and wildlife trade have forced humans and animals to interact closely in new settings.

Image: Image Shutterstock – Robert Way

Produced By: Tony Putt

Featured In Story: Professor Michael Wallach, Associate Head Of School (Strategic Development) School of Life Sciences

First aired on The Wire, Tuesday 11 October 2022

Tuesday 11th of October, 2022

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