What the Medicare indexation freeze means for you

Depending on where you stand, last week’s budget was safe, boring and forgettable.

But one issue that’s not going away is the Medicare indexation freeze. The Federal Government, and Health Minister Susan Ley, announced they will save over $900 million by continuing the freeze until 2020.

The Royal Australian College of GPs launched a campaign on Monday, the first day of the election campaign, to warn patients of the impending price increase for healthcare.

But how much more can we be expect to pay to see the GP?

Producer: Ellen Leabeater


-Margaret Faux: Lawyer, registered nurse, CEO Synapse Medical Service, PhD student Faculty of Health, UTS

-Dr Jones: President of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners & GP

Extra Material:

Coalition media release 13/05/16: Historic Medicare Bulk-Billing Highs Continue Under Coalition

Image: Colin Dunn on Flickr
